This is



Medienstadt Babelsberg — the place to be!

This is where the future is created. Medienstadt Babelsberg is one of the world’s most innovative hotspots for media, IT and science!


Here in Medienstadt, crea­ti­vi­ty and exper­ti­se come tog­e­ther in the most inti­ma­te set­ting ima­gi­nable. It is only a few steps from film pro­duc­tion (Studio Babelsberg) to TV pro­duc­tion (UFA), from sci­ence (Film University) to public ser­vice broad­ca­sting (RBB) and enter­tain­ment (Filmpark Babelsberg). Medienstadt is THE place for inno­va­ti­on in the heart of Babelsberg, at the gates of the cos­mo­po­li­tan city Berlin. Here in Medienstadt you can expe­ri­ence the future: crea­ti­on, pro­duc­tion, rese­arch or living — Medienstadt is “the place to be”!


More than 140 com­pa­nies, and the total is gro­wing rapid­ly, pool their crea­ti­vi­ty, inno­va­ti­ve strength and talent right here. Cinema and TV-pro­du­cers, pro­vi­ders of ani­ma­ti­on, stunts and spe­cial effects, post­pro­duc­tion ser­vices, high-tech and mul­ti­me­dia com­pa­nies as well as pri­va­te and public broad­ca­sters with their pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties form a uni­que clu­ster with edu­ca­tio­nal, sci­en­ti­fic and rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons. This media com­pe­tence is par­ti­cu­lar­ly evi­dent in the fact that the MediaTechHub is head­quar­te­red at Medienstadt.


An area of 47 hec­ta­res or 16 acres with 21 ful­ly equip­ped stu­di­os, in addi­ti­on to Europe’s only volu­metric stu­dio and the lar­gest vir­tu­al film set as a fixed LED instal­la­ti­on: Germany’s most modern stu­dio com­plex is loca­ted here. The famous Marlene-Dietrich-Halle is one of the lar­gest stu­dio spaces in Europe and has an illu­s­trious heri­ta­ge. This is whe­re the next gene­ra­ti­on of crea­ti­ves and IT spe­cia­lists stu­dy at Germany’s first film uni­ver­si­ty and the Hasso-Plattner Institute. Modern housing, stu­dent apart­ments, child­ca­re faci­li­ties and schools enhan­ce the loca­ti­on. Everything is within easy reach thanks to bus, sub­ur­ban and regio­nal train con­nec­tions.

Quality of life

Living and working in one of the most beau­tiful places: Potsdam is one of the cities in Germany with the hig­hest qua­li­ty of life. This inclu­des safe­ty, health care, as well as child­ca­re and edu­ca­tio­nal oppor­tu­ni­ties. It is a lively city full of world heri­ta­ge sites, lakes, parks and num­e­rous lei­su­re acti­vi­ties. Whether you’re a muse­um-goer, bird­watcher or stan­dup padd­ler, ever­yo­ne will find what they’re loo­king for in Potsdam. Potsdam offers uni­ma­gi­ned pos­si­bi­li­ties, espe­ci­al­ly for fami­lies. The Medienstadt in the heart of Potsdam is more than just a place to work, the Medienstadt is a place to experience!

The industries of the Medienstadt — are you in?

Broadcast & TV


Creative & Technical Services


Institutions, Associations & Projects

Education & Science


Our mission — with you for you!

“Are you loo­king for access to the Medienstadt? You need the right space for your pro­jects and ven­tures? You want to grow suc­cessful­ly with your com­pa­ny? You want to gain visi­bi­li­ty in the world of media? Are you loo­king for part­ners and talent?
Visibility, Connecting, Development, Lobbying and Service: our goal is to make the attrac­ti­ve­ness and dyna­mics of the Medienstadt visi­ble and tan­gi­ble and to attract new com­pa­nies. We can do that. Because that’s our mis­si­on: Future Medienstadt!”

Tilo Schneider, CEO Medienstadt Babelsberg Entwicklungs GmbH


We track and com­mu­ni­ca­te chan­ges. What is hap­pe­ning in the Medienstadt? Which com­pa­nies are new to the loca­ti­on? What does the loca­ti­on need? Participation in the deve­lo­p­ment of the Medienstadt is achie­ved through a regu­lar pro­cess of exch­an­ge and communication.


We streng­then the visi­bi­li­ty and pro­fi­le of the Medienstadt as a busi­ness and work loca­ti­on. And once you have been seen, you can be approa­ched and found. Become visi­ble as part of the Medienstadt!


Connections add value: cont­acts to other com­pa­nies, indu­stries and insti­tu­ti­ons, both insi­de and out­side the Medienstadt. Contacts and con­nec­tions requi­re oppor­tu­ni­ties to meet each other. We crea­te the­se opportunities.


We estab­lish a cir­cum­spect and balan­ced approach to fin­ding solu­ti­ons and resol­ving con­flicts, bund­ling and com­mu­ni­ca­ting the inte­rests of the loca­ti­on. We will visit you, listen and exch­an­ge ideas.


Several loca­ti­on mar­ke­ting ser­vices ser­ve as important com­pon­ents to ensu­re that Babelsberg Medienstadt can con­ti­n­ue to deve­lop into a com­pact, cut­ting-edge site, with a lar­ge num­ber of high-per­for­mance, inno­va­ti­ve com­pa­nies in the IT and media indu­stries, as well as a place to work for high­ly qua­li­fi­ed pro­fes­sio­nals. We offer services.

Be there — become part of the Medienstadt

Room for new ideas

Medienstadt Babelsberg is gro­wing! The dyna­mics can be felt and seen here. Not only in the heart of the Medienstadt, but also in the sur­roun­ding area, room is being crea­ted for new ide­as, space for com­pa­nies and ser­vices that will enrich urban life.

Potsdam is the future

Potsdam is a boo­ming city. It is par­ti­cu­lar­ly attrac­ting gra­dua­tes with young fami­lies. The num­ber of working-age peo­p­le will increa­se to 132,000 by 2040, 17.3 per­cent more than in 2019. Potsdam is beco­ming a smart city and wants to pro­mo­te digi­tizati­on with the slo­gan “Smart City Potsdam — Innovative. Green. Fair.”

The capital Berlin next door

The advan­ta­ge of the Medienstadt is its pro­xi­mi­ty to Berlin. Working in Babelsberg wit­hout having to fore­go the advan­ta­ges of the Berlin metro­po­lis. You can get to the city quick­ly. Enjoy the colorful world of the city that never sleeps.

A place to live

Potsdam and Babelsberg have a lot of green spaces and a fan­ta­stic loca­ti­on on the water. The city is full of world heri­ta­ge sites and is also a first-class sci­ence cen­ter. Distinctions such as UNESCO World Heritage Site (1990) or UNESCO Film City in the “Creative Cities” net­work (2019) under­line Potsdam’s image of being an extra­or­di­na­ry city to live in.

Over 100 years…

Film and media loca­ti­on with over 20 sta­te-of-the-art film and TV stu­di­os and the lar­gest film stu­dio in Europe in terms of area.

240,000 m² of built space

The Medienstadt in the heart of Potsdam-Babelsberg is boo­ming: more modern office and resi­den­ti­al space and addi­tio­nal schools will be deve­lo­ped in the years ahead.

More than 10.000…

employees in over 40 inter­na­tio­nal­ly renow­ned sci­en­ti­fic and rese­arch institutions.

58% of the city… 

con­sists of parks, forests and lakes. 69% of the urban area is made up of green space and waterways.

100% Climate neutral

Potsdam aims to be cli­ma­te neu­tral by 2050 — good news for its resi­dents and a strong signal for who­le Germany.

Medienstadt Babelsberg — Contact us
